Jumat, 31 Desember 2010

Emblem Gratis

Bro! nih ada penawaran spesial ajak temen2mu daftar 1 temen 1 dolar
klik disini trus conect via facebook
Shop at Ninja Saga
Langkah 1 Log-in ke Ninja Saga. di dalam menu bar game, click “Buy Ninja Emblem" atau "Buy Saga Token".

langkah  2 Pilih Produk yang ingin kamu beli.

Step 3 Pilih pembayaran via Rixty , terus click the "Buy" button.

Step 4 Sekarang, log-in ke Akun Rxti kamu  (or connect via Facebook)

Step 5 At anytime you may click “Redeem” on the bottom right of the screen to redeem a valid Rixty Code

Step 6 If you do not already have enough credit in your account to make a purchase you may redeem additional credit by entering in a valid Rixty code

Step 7 You may complete your purchase

semoga bisa membantu


2 komentar:

  1. bingung kak apa yg di maksud dgn kode rixty ??

  2. gimana cara dapetin rixty kode nya om. ?
